Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

     Hi everyone!  I hope that you had a great start to 2012 :)  I've made a few resolutions, like to be more daring and adventurous and to live life to the fullest.  I want to start getting enough sleep, grow closer to God, and make a difference in the world.  I also don't want to procrastinate, but we shall see how that one goes haha.  I'm planning on making this year the best yet. :)  Let me know if you have any resolutions in the comments below! Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Break!

     Woohoo it's finally winter break!  I'm so glad that we get  I ended second semester with straight As, thank goodness.  That's one step closer to getting into Stanford! So far, I've been sleeping a lot, lol.  Yesterday I went with my friend Rachel and her family to Christmas Card Lane in San Diego, which was a ton of fun.   Also, Christmas is less than a week away!  I love the holidays.  <3 
     However, during this time of year, it's easy to start feeling sorry for yourself if you're single, seeing all of the couples cuddling and holding on tightly to each other's cold hands.  Those of us who are single shouldn't spend time worrying about those kinds of things, though.  We should look at and appreciate what we do have-family, friends, homes, food, etc.  Relationships aren't always the fantasy that the media makes them out to be.  Don't lose sight of what is really important.
     Happy holidays everyone!  :D 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Blog Entry!

Sooo this is my very first blog entry! I don't really have much to say as of now, but Monday is the start of finals week.  My friends and I are all really stressed about all of the tests and keeping our grades up, but all we can really do is work hard and study.  Hopefully there will be some last minute extra credit opportunities available, too.  I have to keep getting straight A's so I can get into Stanford!  That's all for now, but please check out my profile to learn more about me! :) 

~Maya  :) <3